Tibia Multi IP Changer

Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.46.60

Image Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.46.60
Total average:
Total votes: 8 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows XP/2000/98

  • License:


  • Updated:

    August 20, 2018

  • "Change the IP of your Tibia game"

Tibia Multi IP Changer allows you to change the IP of your Tibia game to play the Tibia server of your choice when you are tired of the real Tibia game. This program will try to connect to the Internet when there are news or updates.

Its use is simple:

1. Start the Warm game
2. Run the Tibia Multi IP Changer
3. Select an option
4. Select the version of Tibia you currently use
5. Select which port you want to use and in which language
6. Press accept and save your changes
7. Change the IP to the desired one and press change IP

Now the program should return a correctly changed IP message to you, then you should go to the Tibia game and press "Options", then "Network Settings" and finally deselect "Test Server Login" or "Test Server Login". Now all you have to do is log in with your login details and that's it.